
By default, CodeDocs searches for a file named codedocs.config.php in your project's root directory. But you can use another location if you want by passing the location to the CodeDocs command:

$ vendor/bin/codedocs /path/to/config.php

You can also use multiple config files (e.g. for local configurations):

$ vendor/bin/codedocs codedocs.config.php codedocs.config.local.php

Possible configurations

Here's a full configuration example with descriptions:

/** @var \CodeDocs\Config $config */

Base directory of your project.
Must be absolute path!
$config->baseDir = __DIR__;

The directory where all generated files are stored.
Relative to the baseDir if starting with "./".
$config->buildDir = './build';

Location of the documentations.
Relative to the baseDir if starting with "./".
$config->docsDir = './docs-src';

A list of locations where the parser looks for classes.
All these classes are available in Markups.
Relative to the baseDir if starting with "./".
$config->classDirs = ['./src', './annotations', './functions'];

If configured, caching is enabled and all cache files are stored here.
$config->cacheDir = '/tmp/codedocs';

Extra parameters that can be used e.g. in markups.
$config->params = [
    'someParam'   => 'someValue',
    'currentTime' => time(),

You can register your namespaces for annotations here. This allows you to omit the namespace in the annotations.
For example `@MyNamespace\Something`. If you register "MyNamespace", you can just use `@Something`.
$config->annotationNamespaces = [

If you want to use custom functions in your documentation, you can register them here.
The array key must be the function name and the value must be a callable.
To make use of the CodeDocs State object in your callable, it must extend \CodeDocs\Doc\MarkupFunction.
$config->functions = [
    'upper' => function ($value) {
        return strtoupper($value);

Processors which are executed before Markups are replaced.
$config->preProcessors = [
    new \CodeDocs\Processor\CreateFilesFromTopics(),

Processors which are executed after Markups are replaced.
$config->postProcessors = [
    new \CodeDocs\Processor\CopyExportFiles('docs'),